Set 1: Open Water, Honey > Billabong Valley, Hypertension, The Garden Goblin, Iron Lung -> Ambergris, Lava, The River, Self-Immolate[1], Predator X, Gila Monster[2], Am I In Heaven?
Set 1: Rattlesnake, O.N.E., Straws In The Wind, Predator X, Mars For the Rich, Organ Farmer, Venusian 1, This Thing, Shanghai, The Garden Goblin, Hypertension, Evil Death Roll, Digital Black > Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Soy-Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe, Magma
Set 1: Robot Stop -> Hot Water -> Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > People-Vultures > Persistence -> Hypertension -> Iron Lung, Sadie Sorceress, Shanghai, Magenta Mountain, Hot Wax, Planet B, Gila Monster, Gaia[1]
Set 1: Gaia[1], Gila Monster, Robot Stop -> Hot Water -> Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > Hypertension, The Garden Goblin, Work This Time, Shanghai, The Grim Reaper > Iron Lung > Magma, The Dripping Tap
Set 1: The Dripping Tap > Ice V, Mars For the Rich, Self-Immolate, Gaia[1] > Gila Monster > Gaia, Magma
Set 1: The Dripping Tap > Magma, Boogieman Sam -> Mr. Beat -> Boogieman Sam, Gaia > Gila Monster > Gaia, Venusian 2 > Organ Farmer, This Thing, Magenta Mountain, The Grim Reaper, Trapdoor, The Garden Goblin, Iron Lung -> Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Soy-Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe
Set 1: The Dripping Tap > Ice V, Evil Death Roll, Iron Lung, Pleura, K.G.L.W. (Outro), Self-Immolate[1], Converge[2], Gaia -> Gila Monster > Gaia
Set 1: The Dripping Tap, Robot Stop -> Hot Water[1] -> Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > People-Vultures > Mr. Beat -> Iron Lung -> Hypertension -> Hot Water, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Supercell[2], Mars For the Rich, Hell, Gila Monster
Set 1: Rattlesnake, O.N.E. > Minimum Brain Size, Ataraxia, Straws In The Wind, Gaia, Witchcraft[1], Self-Immolate[2], Perihelion, Boogieman Sam, Magma, Lava, Head On/Pill
Acoustic Set 1: Lonely Steel Sheet Flyer > Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Sleepwalker > It's Got Old > Muddy Water > The River -> Wah Wah[1] -> The River, Let Me Mend the Past, Trapdoor, The Bitter Boogie, The Wheel, Presumptuous, Ambergris, Most Of What I Like, Her and I (Slow Jam 2)
Set 1: Gaia[1] > Motor Spirit[2] > Gaia, Superbug, Sense, Magenta Mountain > The Grim Reaper, Astroturf, Hate Dancin'[3], Down the Sink, The Reticent Raconteur > The Lord of Lightning -> Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > Iron Lung
Set 1: Pleura, O.N.E., Nuclear Fusion > Minimum Brain Size, Gaia > Motor Spirit[1] > The Great Chain of Being > Gaia, Witchcraft, Satan Speeds Up, Trapdoor, The River, Evil Death Roll[2], Magma, Boogieman Sam
Set 1: Rattlesnake > Honey, Shanghai, Hate Dancin', Astroturf, Down the Sink, Invisible Face[1] > Wah Wah > Road Train, Ice V, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Supercell > Self-Immolate[2], Am I In Heaven?
Set 1: Doom City, All Is Known, Anoxia, Straws In The Wind, K.G.L.W. (Outro), Converge, Hell, Her and I (Slow Jam 2), Evil Death Roll[1], Invisible Face > Wah Wah > The River[2] > Wah Wah[3] > The River[4], Float Along – Fill Your Lungs
Marathon Set 1: Eyes Like the Sky[1], Year Of Our Lord[1], The Raid[1], Evil Man[1], Rattlesnake, Pleura, Gaia > Gila Monster > Gaia, Supercell, Witchcraft, Organ Farmer, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour, The Grim Reaper, Magenta Mountain, Down the Sink, Astroturf[2], Shanghai, The Garden Goblin, Ambergris, Iron Lung -> Hypertension, Magma, The Dripping Tap
Set 1: Rattlesnake, Pleura, Self-Immolate > Supercell, Witchcraft, Ice V, The Dripping Tap > Magma
Set 1: I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Hell, Supercell, Gaia > Gila Monster > Gaia, Ice V -> Hypertension -> Iron Lung
Set 1: Gila Monster, Converge > Witchcraft, Self-Immolate[1], This Thing, The Garden Goblin, Hypertension[2], Magma[2]
Set 1: The Dripping Tap > The River > Wah Wah > Road Train > The River > Hot Water, Supercell, Gaia[1] > Gila Monster
Set 1: Mars For the Rich, Converge > Witchcraft, Self-Immolate, Satan Speeds Up, Magenta Mountain, Kepler-22b[1], Doom City, Straws In The Wind, Boogieman Sam > Magma, Robot Stop > Gamma Knife > Iron Lung, Digital Black > Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Soy-Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe
Set 1: Doom City, All Is Known, Iron Lung -> Hypertension -> Ice V -> Presumptuous -> Hot Water, Magma, The Garden Goblin, Astroturf, Kepler-22b, This Thing, Gila Monster
Set 1: Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > People-Vultures > Mr. Beat -> Hypertension, The Garden Goblin, Change, This Thing, Hot Wax > Slow Jam 1, Organ Farmer, Gaia > Gila Monster > Gaia
Set 1: The Dripping Tap, Iron Lung -> Hypertension, The Garden Goblin, Magenta Mountain, This Thing, Converge > Witchcraft, Gaia[1] > Gila Monster > Gaia