All Songs
- (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right...
- 12 Bar Bruise
- 2.02 Killer Year
- 30 Past 7
- 9 TET
- A Brief History of Planet Earth
- A Journey To (S)Hell
- A New World
- Acarine
- Ain't It Funky Now
- Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
- All Is Known
- All My Loving
- Alluda Majaka
- Alter Me I
- Alter Me II
- Alter Me III
- Altered Beast I
- Altered Beast II
- Altered Beast III
- Altered Beast IV
- Am I In Heaven?
- Ambergris
- Anamnesis
- Anoxia
- Antarctica
- Ants & Bats
- Are You Gonna Be My Girl
- Astroturf
- Ataraxia
- Automation
- Back Door Man
- Bad Star
- Barefoot Desert
- Beginner's Luck
- Beyond the Sea
- Big Fig Wasp
- Billabong Valley
- Black Hot Soup
- Black Tooth
- Blame It On the Weather
- Blindness
- Bloody Ripper
- Blue Horse
- Blue Morpho
- Body Movin'
- Bone
- Boogie
- Boogieman Sam
- Boy on the Run
- Brassicas
- Break Stuff
- Butterfly 3000
- Can't Keep My Eyes Off Of You
- Can't Stop
- Candles
- Catching Smoke
- Cellophane (single version)
- Cellophane
- Chang'e
- Change
- Cold Cadaver
- Come On
- Converge
- Cookies
- Cotton-Eyed Joe
- Countdown
- Cranes, Planes, Migraines
- Crookedile
- Crumbling Castle
- Crying
- Cut Throat Boogie
- Cyboogie
- D-Day
- Daily Blues
- Danger $$$
- Dawn of Eternal Night
- Dead-Beat
- Demo No. 67
- Demo No. 79
- Depressed
- Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet
- Digital Black
- Dirt
- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
- Doom City
- Down the Sink
- Down Under
- Down with a Sickness
- Dragon
- Dreams
- Drum Run
- Drum Solo
- Dusk To Dawn On Lygon Street
- Dust In the Wind
- Dustbin Fletcher
- East West Link
- Eddie Cousin
- Elbow
- Embryo
- Empty
- España cañí
- Eucalyptus Noserun
- Evergreen
- Every 1's a Winner
- Every Morning
- Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
- Evil Death Roll
- Evil Man
- Evil Star
- Evilest Man
- Exploding Suns
- Extinction
- Eyes Like the Sky
- Field of Vision
- Fire
- Fishing For Fishies
- Flamethrower
- Flight b741
- Float Along – Fill Your Lungs
- Flying Fishie
- Flying Microtonal Banana
- Footy Footy
- Fort Whipple
- Forty Six & 2
- Foxey Lady
- Frankenstein
- Freak
- Freedom
- Fried
- Fuck tha Police
- Fury
- Gaia
- Gaia/Motor Spirit
- Gamma Knife
- Garage Liddiard
- German Rock n' Rolle
- Get Low
- Ghost
- Gila Monster
- Gilgamesh
- Gliese 710
- God Is Calling Me Back Home
- God Is In the Rhythm
- God May Not Be WIth Us
- Going Up the Country
- Gondii
- Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody ...
- Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
- Good To Me
- Got My Mojo Working
- Grateful I Am
- Greenhouse Heat Death
- Grow Wings and Fly...
- Guns & Horses
- Gypsy
- Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg
- Happy Birthday To You
- Happy Birthday, Lisa
- Hate Dancin'
- Head On/Pill
- Hear My Eyes: Suspiria Rescoring
- Hell's Itch
- Hell
- Hells Bells
- Her and I (Slow Jam 2)
- Hey Joe
- Hey Pachuco
- Hey There
- High Hopes Low
- High School
- Hog Calling Contest
- Homeless Man In Adidas
- Honey
- Horology
- Hot Water
- Hot Wax
- Hypertension
- I Am Dumb
- I Don’t Love You No More
- I Gotta Rock 'n' Roll
- I Love L.A.
- I Say
- I Wanna Be Your Dog
- I Was Made for Lovin' You
- I'd Rather Go Blind
- I'll Be Gone
- I'm Bored
- I'm In Your Mind Fuzz
- I'm In Your Mind
- I'm Not a Man Unless I Have a Woman
- I'm Not In Your Mind
- I'm Only Young
- I'm Sleepin' In
- Ice V
- If Not Now, Then When?
- If You Want My Love
- In Da Club
- Incredible
- Infinite Rise
- Inner Cell
- Intergalactic
- Interior People
- Intrasport
- Invisible Face
- Iron Lung
- Isn't She Lovely
- It's a Long Way to the Top (If Y...
- It's Got Old
- Jack-It and Green Out
- Jam
- Jam
- K.G.L.W. (Intro)
- K.G.L.W. (Outro)
- Kelebek
- Kepler-22b
- Killing in the Name
- La Grange
- Lava
- Le Risque
- Lean Woman Blues
- Let It Bleed
- Let Me Mend the Past
- Let There Be Rock
- Life Is Cool
- Life/Death
- Little Wing
- Lonely Steel Sheet Flyer
- Lost Woods
- Love For Me
- Loyalty
- Lukey's Brain
- Lunch Meat
- Machine Gun
- Magenta Mountain
- Magma
- Marble
- Mariposa
- Mars For the Rich
- Master of the Universe
- Melting
- Midnight Rambler
- Minimum Brain Size
- Mirage City
- Moby Dick
- Mornin
- Moses
- Most Of What I Like
- Motor Spirit
- Mr. Beat
- Muckraker
- Muddy Water
- Murder of the Universe
- Music To Burn Money To
- Music To Die To
- Music To Eat Bananas To
- Music To Eat Pond Scum To
- Music To Kill Bad People To
- Music To Think Existentially To
- My Babe
- My Generation
- Mycelium
- Mystery Jack
- N.G.R.I. (Bloodstain)
- Nein
- No Body
- Nonagon Intro Theme
- Not Enough Time... Land
- Nothing Left To Hide (King Gizza...
- Nuclear Fusion
- Nutbush City Limits
- O.N.E.
- Ocean Deep
- Oddlife
- Oddments
- Oh God
- On the Road Again
- One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You
- One
- Ontology
- Open My Eyes
- Open Water
- Organ Farmer
- Other Side
- Out of Space
- Paper Mâché Dream Balloon
- Paper Mâché
- Parking
- Party Potential
- People-Vultures
- Perihelion
- Persistence
- Phantom Island
- Pipe-Dream
- Planet B
- Plasma
- Plastic Boogie
- Play That Funky Music
- Pleura
- Polygondwanaland
- Pop In My Step
- Pop
- Powertrippin’
- Praise You
- Predator X
- Presumptuous
- Pride and Joy
- Proud Mary
- Pump Up the Jam
- Purple Haze
- Pushin' Too Hard
- Pyjamas
- Quarantine
- Rats In The Sky
- Rattlesnake
- Raw Feel
- Real's Not Real
- Red Smoke
- Riff Raff
- Road Train
- Robot Stop
- Rock and Roll
- Rock Around the Clock
- Rock N’ Roll
- Rock With You
- Rolling Stoned
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Runnin' With the Devil
- Sabotage
- Sad Pilot
- Sadie Sorceress
- Sam Cherry's Last Shot
- Satan Speeds Up
- Satanic Slumber Party Part 1 (Th...
- Satanic Slumber Party Part 2 (Mi...
- Satanic Slumber Party Part 3 (Ho...
- Scared of Christmas
- Sea of Trees
- Searching...
- See Me
- Self-Immolate
- Sense
- Set
- Sexual Healing
- Shanghai
- She'll Be Coming 'Round the Moun...
- She's So Fine
- Short Change
- Should I Stay Or Should I Go
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m...
- Silver Machine
- Singin' In the Rain
- Sketches of Brunswick East I
- Sketches of Brunswick East II
- Sketches of Brunswick East III
- Sleep Drifter
- Sleep
- Sleepwalker
- Slow Jam 1
- Smoke & Mirrors
- Smoke On the Water
- Snow
- So Long, Farewell
- Some Context
- Some of Us
- Soy-Protein Munt Machine
- Space Junk
- St. Anger
- Stairway to Heaven
- Static Electricity
- Stayin’ Alive
- Stella Joy
- Steve Nichols
- Stevie Ray Horn
- Stiff Upper Lip
- Stoned Mullet
- Stoned
- Straws In The Wind
- Streets of Cairo
- Stressin'
- Summer!
- Superbug
- Supercell
- Superposition
- Supreme Ascendancy
- Surfin' Safari
- Swan Song
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Sweet Home Chicago
- Sweet Talking
- Sympathy For The Devil
- T.V. Eye
- Talk Talk Talk
- Taylor
- Tea and Jam
- Telescope
- Tell the Truth
- Tequila
- Tetrachromacy
- Texas Flood
- Tezeta
- That's the Way (I Like It)
- The 10th Boogie
- The Acrid Corpse
- The Balrog
- The Bird Song
- The Bitter Boogie
- The Book
- The Boss
- The Castle in the Air
- The Cruel Millennial
- The Dripping Tap
- The End
- The Floating Fire
- The Fourth Colour
- The Funeral
- The Garden Goblin
- The God Mans Goat Lust
- The Great Chain of Being
- The Grim Reaper
- The Grudge
- The Hungry Wolf of Fate
- The Killing Ground
- The Land Before Timeland
- The Last Oasis
- The Lord of Lightning
- The Mother Hen
- The Purple Bottle
- The Raid
- The Reticent Raconteur
- The River
- The Silver Cord
- The Spider and Me
- The Star Spangled Banner
- The Wheel
- The Wholly Ghost
- Theia
- These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
- Third Stone From The Sun
- This Thing
- Thunderstorms
- Time = $$$
- Time = Fate
- Time After Time
- Timeland
- Tomb/Beach
- Tomorrow
- Torture Chamber
- Trapdoor
- Treaty
- Trench Foot
- Tribute
- Tutti Frutti
- Twist
- Ugly Guitars
- Uh Oh, I Called Mum
- Unknown Legend
- Unknown
- Vegemite
- Venusian 1
- Venusian 2
- Viva Las Vegas
- Vomit Coffin
- Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
- Wah Wah
- Walk The Dinosaur
- Walkin' on the Sun
- Way Out West
- We Will Rock You
- Welcome to an Altered Future
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Western
- What I Do
- Whole Lotta Love
- Whole Lotta Rosie
- Willoughby's Beach
- Witchcraft
- Work It
- Work This Time
- Worm
- Ya Love
- Year Of Our Lord
- You Can Be Your Silhouette
- You're Not Naked
- Yours
- Zebra
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