Set 1: Proud Mary (Creedence Clearwater Revival), La Grange (ZZ Top), I Was Made for Lovin' You (KISS), Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin), (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!) (Beastie Boys), These Boots Are Made for Walkin' (Nancy Sinatra), Every 1's a Winner (Hot Chocolate)
Set 1: Self-Immolate[1], Mars For the Rich[1], Venusian 1[1], Venusian 2[1], Perihelion[1], Inner Cell[1] > Loyalty[1] > Horology[1], Plastic Boogie[1], This Thing[1], The Bird Song[1], Tezeta, Beginner's Luck, Melting[1], Sleep Drifter, Boogieman Sam[1], The Cruel Millennial[1], Acarine[1] > Murder of the Universe[1], Planet B[1], Organ Farmer[1], Hell[1], Cyboogie[1]
Set 1: Venusian 2, Mars For the Rich > Planet B, Plastic Boogie, Rattlesnake, Doom City, Nuclear Fusion, This Thing, The Bird Song, Tezeta, Beginner's Luck, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > The Balrog, Evil Death Roll, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Self-Immolate > Organ Farmer > Perihelion, Cyboogie
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich, Planet B, Robot Stop, Gamma Knife, This Thing, The Bird Song, Work This Time, Billabong Valley, Sleep Drifter, All Is Known, Cyboogie, Boogieman Sam, Acarine, Murder of the Universe, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, Organ Farmer, Venusian 1, Hell
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich, Perihelion, Plastic Boogie, Inner Cell, Loyalty, Horology, Cyboogie, This Thing, Beginner's Luck, Boogieman Sam, Acarine, Murder of the Universe, The Lord of Lightning, Tezeta, Billabong Valley, Sleep Drifter, Nuclear Fusion, All Is Known, Planet B, Organ Farmer
Set 1: Planet B, Mars For the Rich, Venusian 1, Cyboogie, Real's Not Real[1], Hot Water[2], Open Water[3], Sleep Drifter, Billabong Valley, The Bird Song, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Plastic Boogie, Organ Farmer, Self-Immolate, Head On/Pill[2]
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Hell, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet, The Castle in the Air, Stressin', The Great Chain of Being, Boogieman Sam, Cyboogie, Acarine, This Thing, Wah Wah, Road Train, Hot Water, Mars For the Rich, Venusian 1, Perihelion, The Bitter Boogie
Set 1: Planet B, Mars For the Rich > Organ Farmer, Superbug[1], Venusian 1, Perihelion > Venusian 2, Self-Immolate, Hell
Encore: The Great Chain of Being
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich > Venusian 2, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, People-Vultures > Alter Me III > Altered Beast IV, The River > Wah Wah > Road Train, This Thing, Beginner's Luck, The Bird Song, Acarine > Murder of the Universe, Boogieman Sam, Cyboogie, Planet B > Perihelion, Hell
Set 1: Venusian 2, Mars For the Rich, Hell, Plastic Boogie, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Stressin', The Great Chain of Being, This Thing, Beginner's Luck, Billabong Valley, Sleep Drifter, Cyboogie, Gamma Knife > People-Vultures, Perihelion, Venusian 1, Self-Immolate
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Perihelion, Inner Cell, Loyalty, Horology, I'm In Your Mind, I'm Not In Your Mind, The Balrog, People-Vultures, Alter Me I, Altered Beast II, The Cruel Millennial, Boogieman Sam, This Thing, All Is Known, Anoxia, Cyboogie, Mars For the Rich, Hell, The Bitter Boogie
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Venusian 2, The Great Chain of Being, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, This Thing, Let Me Mend the Past, Work This Time, Doom City, Nuclear Fusion, Boogieman Sam, Digital Black, Vomit Coffin, Murder of the Universe, Wah Wah, Road Train, Planet B, Organ Farmer, Mars For the Rich
Set 1: Venusian 2, Mars For the Rich, I'm In Your Mind, I'm Not In Your Mind, Cellophane, I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Inner Cell, Loyalty, Horology, This Thing, The Bird Song, Boogieman Sam, Cyboogie, Acarine, People-Vultures, Alter Me II, Altered Beast III, Planet B, Organ Farmer, The River
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Perihelion, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour > Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet > The Castle in the Air > Muddy Water, Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife, Cyboogie, This Thing, Beginner's Luck, Plastic Boogie, Mars For the Rich > Hell, The Bitter Boogie
Set 1: Planet B, Mars For the Rich, The Great Chain of Being, Plastic Boogie, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, This Thing, Billabong Valley, Cyboogie, Alter Me II > Altered Beast III > Alter Me III > Altered Beast IV, Wah Wah > Road Train, The Cruel Millennial, The Wheel, Self-Immolate, Hell
Set 1: Venusian 2, Venusian 1, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour > Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet > The Castle in the Air > Muddy Water, Real's Not Real > Alter Me I > Altered Beast I, The Bird Song, All Is Known, Anoxia, Rattlesnake, Sleep Drifter, Cyboogie, Mars For the Rich > Organ Farmer, The River
Set 1: Planet B, Perihelion, The Great Chain of Being, Stressin', I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, The Balrog, Acarine > Murder of the Universe, The Bird Song, Let Me Mend the Past, Billabong Valley, Nuclear Fusion, Doom City, All Is Known, Boogieman Sam, Cyboogie, Self-Immolate, Hell
Set 1: Venusian 2, Organ Farmer, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour > Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet > The Castle in the Air > Muddy Water, Cyboogie, The River[1] -> Wah Wah > Road Train, Alter Me I > Altered Beast I, Gamma Knife > People-Vultures, This Thing, Sense[2], Work This Time, Mars For the Rich > Venusian 1, Planet B
Set 1: Venusian 2 > Mars For the Rich, Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife > Alter Me I > Altered Beast II, Rattlesnake, Doom City, Nuclear Fusion, Tezeta, Down the Sink, Cyboogie, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour, The Great Chain of Being, Plastic Boogie, Self-Immolate, Planet B
Set 1: Self-Immolate > Perihelion, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Boogieman Sam, All Is Known, Sleep Drifter, Superbug, This Thing, The Bird Song, Beginner's Luck, Evil Death Roll, Cyboogie, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Organ Farmer > Hell
Set 1: Planet B, Mars For the Rich > The Great Chain of Being, The River -> Wah Wah > Road Train, Alter Me III > Altered Beast IV, The Cruel Millennial, Nuclear Fusion, Doom City, Boogieman Sam, This Thing, Work This Time, Plastic Boogie, Venusian 2, Self-Immolate, Am I In Heaven?
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich, The Great Chain of Being, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, I'm In Your Mind, I'm Not In Your Mind, Cellophane, Cyboogie, Boogieman Sam, The Bird Song, The Lord of Lightning, Venusian 2, Hell, Wah Wah, Road Train, Float Along – Fill Your Lungs
Set 1: Planet B, Organ Farmer, People-Vultures > Mr. Beat, Evil Death Roll, Acarine > Murder of the Universe, Alter Me I[1] > Altered Beast II, Rattlesnake, Doom City > Nuclear Fusion, Billabong Valley, This Thing, Sense, Plastic Boogie, Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich, Perihelion
Set 1: Rattlesnake, Sleep Drifter, Anoxia, All Is Known, Alter Me I > Altered Beast II, Mr. Beat > Evil Death Roll, Acarine, Cyboogie, Beginner's Luck, Let Me Mend the Past, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Mars For the Rich, Organ Farmer, The Great Chain of Being, The Bitter Boogie
Set 1: Planet B, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Alter Me II > Altered Beast III, Wah Wah > Road Train, Cut Throat Boogie, Boogieman Sam, Tezeta, Nuclear Fusion, Digital Black > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe, Hell, Head On/Pill
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Venusian 1, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour > Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet > The Castle in the Air > Muddy Water, The Wheel, The Bird Song, Down the Sink, Work This Time, Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife, Float Along – Fill Your Lungs
Set 1: Venusian 2 > Perihelion, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour > Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet > The Castle in the Air > Muddy Water, People-Vultures > Mr. Beat, Hot Water, This Thing, Billabong Valley, Nuclear Fusion, Anoxia, All Is Known, Boogieman Sam, Mars For the Rich, Am I In Heaven?
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Organ Farmer, Plastic Boogie, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, This Thing, The Bird Song, Cyboogie, The Great Chain of Being, Venusian 2 > Hell, Hot Water, Evil Death Roll, The Bitter Boogie, Digital Black, with alternate lyrics, incomplete, Murder of the Universe
Set 1: Venusian 2, Mars For the Rich, Superbug, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz > The Balrog, The Reticent Raconteur > The Lord of Lightning, Beginner's Luck, Down the Sink, Rattlesnake, Doom City, Nuclear Fusion > Float Along – Fill Your Lungs
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Planet B, Stressin', Rattlesnake, Sleep Drifter, All Is Known, Dirt, Sense, Let Me Mend the Past, The Reticent Raconteur > The Lord of Lightning, Cut Throat Boogie, Wah Wah > Road Train, Cyboogie -> Loyalty > Horology, Mars For the Rich, Perihelion, Am I In Heaven?
Set 1: I'm In Your Mind, I'm Not In Your Mind, Cellophane, I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, Venusian 2, Mars For the Rich, The Great Chain of Being, Plastic Boogie, Organ Farmer, Hell, Digital Black, Vomit Coffin, Robot Stop, Gamma Knife, People-Vultures, The Bitter Boogie, Self-Immolate
Set 1: Self-Immolate, Mars For the Rich, Perihelion, Plastic Boogie, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour, Deserted Dunes Welcome Weary Feet, The Castle in the Air, Muddy Water, Cut Throat Boogie, Gamma Knife, People-Vultures, Digital Black, Vomit Coffin, Venusian 2, Planet B, The River