Third time at Red Rocks in three years and 2nd time seeing Gizz at the Rocks (4th overall), this time for ALL THREE SHOWS! I was so pumped and hearing the sound check trickling while waiting on the steps at stage left me reeling for some Gizz! As expected the crowd was so friendly, tons of people just vibing and sharing stories of their journey to make it to the Mecca of Gizz.
While I loved the set; Astroturf, Down the Sink, Motorspirit were the only new songs to me live. I thought they would try to play something different to last year's set at Red Rocks, they said no repeats right? Maybe just for that city and relevant time... Despite my initial frustration of hearing Magenta Mountain, Grim Reap, LoL, the first three to Nonagon and Iron Lung again, they were still refreshing and not just the same as last time, they were more refined, even tighter and FASTER. The boys are pushing their performances even further than we thought they could. Loved that they nailed Astroturf and hearing Hate Dancin' was so dope though it certainly needs more plays for them to get comfortable with it, loved it and want more Changes! This especially was elevated for the double-header the next day. Magma was soul crushing and made me on the verge of tears! But thats maybe time for another review! Peace out Gizzheads, until next time!