Set 1: Open Water[1], Doom City[1], Anoxia, All Is Known[1], Billabong Valley, Sleep Drifter, Nuclear Fusion, Rattlesnake
Set 2: Alter Me I[1], Altered Beast II, Alter Me II, Altered Beast III, Robot Stop, Evil Death Roll, Invisible Face, The River, Gamma Knife, People-Vultures, The Lord of Lightning, Cellophane, The Balrog, Am I In Heaven?
Show Notes: Staff Notes: The setlist for this show is believed to be complete. All songs aside from Anoxia, Invisible Face and Gamma Knife through Am I In Heaven? were confirmed by audio/video recordings. The remaining songs were confirmed through contemporaneous discussions through various social media, but any additional setlist notations that require audio confirmation (guest appearances, segues, quotes or teases) may be incomplete. If anyone has any further information or, ideally, a complete or conclusive recording please contact staff at [email protected].
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