Disclaimer: My reviews are typed out once and only once. I do not edit, or reread anything. They are what they are. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you.
I was cleaning the house and ended up kinda lit. This was a fun day at my house.
November 1, 2024 "Marathon Show" @ The Forum · Inglewood, CA, USA
Marathon Set 1: Mars For the Rich, Planet B, Hell, Slow Jam 1 -> This Thing -> Am I In Heaven?, Self-Immolate, Dragon, Flamethrower, Straws In The Wind > O.N.E. > Sleep Drifter, Nuclear Fusion, Antarctica -> Boogieman Sam, Field of Vision, Daily Blues > Robot Stop > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife[1] -> Ice V -> The Lord of Lightning > The Balrog, Le Risque[2]
Saturday, November 2nd afternoon sometime. I have already took my dawg Lu for our five mile nature walk, and got my grocery shopping finished for the week. I have been hitting the penjamin pretty regulaly all morning and now when I start this show, I will be cracking open my first "Chocolate Lava Cake Stout" made by State of Brewing. Which I picked up from an A1 establishment named Aldi.
I will be cleaning the house, ripping the pen, having a few colds ones, dancing the entire time, and trying to take some notes on the songs. Then Ill end it with a New York Strip steak dinner cooked medium, with a smashed sweet potatoe for those complex carbs. Ok, now that the stage is set. Lets get to going.
Stage Start:
Joey starts the show off talking about how the band will reflect the crowds energy, so hit them with everything they got. Then of course Stu chimes in with telling everyone he loves them as he normally does. The dude is a torrent of love apperently. Pretty Gnarly.
Mars for the Rich: I love ITRN so getting a ITRN sutie opener is tight, gets the people going. Sound needed some ironing out, but they ended up getting it situated. Pit looking Lively, Looking fun.
Planet B: Ripper of a Planet B. Pretty standard. Stu calls everyone legends. The stadium is fucking packed.
Joey Shouts out King Stingray for being a speical band out of AUS. says they fucking rock.
Hell: Just pounding them in the nut sack with metal. Ending of this some got really nasty in the best way possble.
> wild transition jam from hell into Slow jam 1. very tasty.
Slow Jam 1: Very cool change of pace with a nice jammed out version of Slow Jam 1. According to the Stats this was considered the bust out of the night but only a 12 show gap. Not really a bust out IMHO, but wtf do I know? Not much really. The jam was very nice, had good groove to it. lasted awhile with a nice build at the end to enter This thing.
This Thing: One of my faves. Just an Absoulte monster of a song, with "am i in heaven tease". was mopping the floor while dancing for this one. had to stop and rip the pen also.
Am I in Heaven: is it really a tease if they just mix them together and the end/begining? idk, who cares. Set list opening pretty steller so far. Really rocked out middle section. Amby Amby the one armed man finlly makes an appreance in my opinion on his harmonica. I would literally give that dude a big fat smooch if I could. really dig his style. No Diddy. Back into Slow jam 1 for a secound. Then literally into some jam band esqe jam. Stu with a lyrically jam at the end.
Amby addresses his elbow breakage kinda.
Self-Immolate: Right back into metal, We get the first "light em up T". Ive done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen tops and floors, Swapt Laundry, dusted the living room, and vaccumed. still gotta fold laundry. Cracking 3rd beer. Just a little update. Intro to song was a nice build to a rager of a song like always. Stu is feeling himself likes always. The kid gots moxy.
Shout to jason gelea from the band.
Dragon: Fucking love this song. Always a smoke show. Plus its about a dragons. fuck yes. Amby getting after it with his one good drumming arm. Stu literally sings a part of the song in the starfish position. fucking metal. pit getting real busy. Cavs is a machine.
Flamethrower: Just pumper of a rock show. You can tell Amby is not 100% but dude is a fucking rock god. Long Live Ambrose Kenny-Smith.
Joey shouts out Cavs. Ambrose takes the lead. Talks to the crowd. Joey and Amby talk about cricket. Amby calls himself a cripple (lol) then tells the crowd to not encourage him to do anything stupid because will not think twice. FUCKING ROCK LEGEND.
Straws in the wind: Love this song, I can say this about most of their songs so get use to it. No one will read these anyways. That is why I'm going to do them. For no one. <3. Breakdown in the song. Amby calls, the crowd reponse. IS IT ALL STRAWS IN THE WIND?!?! Stu does his throat singing at the end. Amby breaks out the Harmy. I might be a little lit. Folding the laundry.
O.N.E>Sleep Drifter: Ill admit, I don't listen to this song a lot. Lets see how it goes for me. I do need to listen to the microtonal album more. Right into a nice little jam to ride it out. very nice.
LIGHT EM UP T!!!!! Joey calls out half way point.
Joey looking for the freakiest cunt. Calls up Mysteryjack he starts Nuclear fusion.
Nuclear Fusion: Banger. Cool start. Pay homage to a legend of the scene.
Antartica: Fun Fact. I've Been to Antarctica. Blues time. Let em know Cookie! Like this song really only live. besides that, it will prolly gt skipped.
Boogieman Sam: Also a good time. Just a pure rocker. The middle part of the song Stu starts to tea bag the crowd. Sweet part of the song too. Break down then back to rippin. Prepareing sweetpotatoe baked potatoe. like what i m right now. :) poke all over with fork, oil up, air fryer for 35 to 45 mins. Boys gettin after it.
Joey talks about upcoming shows. One show which isnt listed. And the festival they are putting on called Field of Vision. Which I will be going to. I already have tickets.
Field of Vision: Banger of a rock song. Love it. This one is a decent one. SIlly BIlly part always owns, always fun.
Joey calls for shots and a soft light em up T. Calls out Harry Styles. RIP to his man?
Daily Bues: Joey solos to open I think in spite of Stu, I think Joet thought Stu was talking shit, or "stitching him up" as the cunt put it. Then tells Stu to to " suck that shit bro" but then stu said no I wasnt. then had a little fun banter. Scripted? Perhaps. Love the whole album of B741. Crowd kinda chillin. We just flying through clouds of love. Not going to Lie, I cant stop myself from dancing during Ambys part ever. Fucking gives me ants in the pants. ALL THE BIGOTS GO GET FUCKED. love that part.
Robot Stop: NONAGON INFINITY OPENS THE DOOR. Arguably their best work. Lets get it. Back to This Thing? FUck Yes! Extra part of Robot Stop? All chorse complete. potatoe almost done. Misjudged the tater. gonna wait 15 mins to cook steak. These songs always rock.
Big Fig Wasp: Just got a super sick tyedyed Big Fig Wasp shirt in the mail today. I love it and this song. Stu is going fucking bonkers for the feedback. Love to see it.
Gamme Knife: Notes says unfinished, Lets see. Boys All moving, All feeling it. Im definitly feeling. Slowed on the beers. I'm not trying to get wasted. just bnuzzed. Still on number 3. They are 8% though. My special needs dog Lu is making a huge fucking mess with his food. Which is normal. Bless his heart. Was short, > into Ice V
Ice V: Band seems to be in full force for the last 45 mins straight. none stop slaying. Gets real jammy. Nice vibes. Im getting hungry for my steak. Lord of Lightning teases. My body is ready.
Lord of Lightning: MOTU is one of my favorite albums. But I love 99% of their cataloge, so take that with a grain of salt. Stu going wild, fucking love the guy. cellephane tease outta nowhere. No mindfuzz at all tonight. lol
The Balrog: You have to play this after LoL, IMHO. Baked potato is done, just butter salt pepper. gonna be slamming. Got the cast iron started heating for the steak. Trying to time it for the end of the show. crowd is feeling the 3 hours? or not into Balrog.
Joey Calls for a Light em up T, And a turn it up Sammy. Cavs walks away from the drums. Jay Weinberg comes out for Le Risque.
Le Risque: The Stu's last verse of this song goes so hard. Well really, whole wong fucks. Cavs gives it up for Jay. Picks a weird girl to laugh like the joookerrrrr. Jays wife says ok lets ride, AMby smashes his part. Cavs lifts Stu for splits. I gotts go butter bast my steak. Amazing show.
Awesome 2nd leg of the tour opener. Im feeling pretty good about myself. Steak is resting. I might have over cooked it. but we will see. Untill next time. Keep on Gizzin.
My dinner was fire. 9.3/10