Disclaimer: My reviews are typed out once and only once. I do not edit, or reread anything. They are what they are. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you.
So, yeah, I listen to the show (normally not live) and I write out this review basically live. I want to try and stay as current with the shows as I can. I know I'm talking to anyone. Go fuck youeself.
My Headspace entering the show:
Monday Nov 4, 12:36 pm. I will be listening/watching the show from the laptop/kitchen stereo set up. Nothing speical here but it does the trick. Plus, I get a lot of moving around space instead of sitting at the desk in the office. I got off work at about 9:30 am this morning like normal. I came home grabbed the Road Dawg Lu and we went for a quick nature walk today. Only about 1.5 miles. It rained yesterday, and you are not even supposed to be out there at all, but fuck that, we getting a lil sum sum in. Back home I showered, and I ate for the first time today. Bacon egg and cheese sammy. Go fuck yourself. It was delicious. Now, Show time. I got 2 beers I m about to crack and I'm probably just gonna drink them fast so I feel them for the show. I got a little hash oil left in the penjamin I'm gonna be rippin', and the bong is making an appearance today. Which I will be enjoying right off the bat with my beers and the weed my Bestie gave to me yesterday during football. Snack during show: Chocolate Chip Brioche Bread. Dinner after show: Brats and baked beans, and white cheddar mac and cheese. Welp, I got this mother fucker queued up. Lets crack into it:
[November 3, 2024 @ Vina Robles Amphitheatre · Paso Robles, CA, USA]
Set 1: All Is Known, Pleura, Doom City, Billabong Valley, Hypertension, Antarctica, Ambergris[1], Sad Pilot, Rats In The Sky, Intrasport[2] -> Set, Extinction, Converge, Gaia[3] > Gila Monster > Motor Spirit > Gaia
Setlist First Glance: FUCKING INSTRASPORT!!!! lets go.
Show Start: Right off the bat, Joey walks out in a Blood Incantation long sleeve. That for me is a great omen. Get a First thing "Light em Up T!" Love to see it. My beer is cracked, Bong is ripped.
All Is Known: I love this as an opener. Rocker right on front.
Pleura: Not super familar with this song. Loving the heavy bassline in it.
Joey: calls crowd G's and talks about day lights saving time. Then Joey brings up something super meta and says sorry to the nuclear fusion guy and maybe next time. This is referring to a post I saw on reddit of some school teacher who plays KG to his class mates. They literally let Mystery Jack do it the show before. lol. You win some, you lose some.
Doom City: So is so good, the time changes own. Pit getting busy. Love a mixy pit.
Stu gets a shirt thrown at him. Joey thanks the stream people. the people in the stream. Stu puts on shirt.
Billabong Valley: Ambrose is on the fucking loose. Amby starts song from sound box. This song is a fucking ripper for sure. I love when Amby takes the lead. Song is kinda strung out. Song it shouted out to Eb? lol fuck idk. I slammed those 2 8% beers and I feel decent. I only drink on vacation and not during these reviews. The break down is epic. Stu, Amby, and Lucas sitting ner Cavs drums jamming.
Stu: Thank you sexy sailors!!! Joey: shoutouts King Stingray.
Hypertension: They have been crushing this song, so I'm ready for this one. God they keep cutting to a shot of Cookie. What a dream boat. Tempo change really takes off. hell yes. Beers gone, RIPPPING THE BONG. This song owns. They seem to love to play it. Joey lets it fly. Band Lets it fly. Getting Jammy for the first time of the night. This is the song to do it on. Cavs really standing out in this song. Full jamming speed now. Best thing about having a deaf dog. My neighbors can hear my music, and my dog is passsssed out on the couch in the same open area. This song fucks so much. Cavs huge smile on his face. Into a crashing hault back into the chorus. I literally broke out in dance. Stu rocking the fuck out. This is probably their best live song. They kill it everytime. its that or those 2 beers got me fallin in love. This got the treatmeant.
Joey calls it hot immediately at the end of the song. I missed a lot of banted. But they talk about Stu's map that costed $15 and he is playing on it right now. they talk about no polar bears in Antarctica.
Antarctica: I got married here. Getting divorced though. meh. It's gonna be a miss, Snowsball chance in hell. God, I CookieDawg69 is such a dream boat. Getting a jam section. Chill jam.
Ambergris: I think its funny they pair these songs together. Ambergris is like waxy spit up from whales that is used in perfumes. And Whales are all over Antarcica. Cookie/Pipe-Eye call out. Nasty synth and bass. Nice chnage of pace. Joey making horny with his voice. I'm playing fetch in the living room with the Baby Boy Lu Dog. Just twice though. thats all he wanted. Gonna get me some of the chocolate bread. :) bread is fire.
Sad Pilot: Gotta play some new album. New album is sweet. I crushed my snack, like they crushed that Hypertension. Feeding the pup some cheese for tricks."I'll just keep winging it" story of my fucking life.
Rats In The Sky: This song just starts, then ends. because a dude is passed the fucked out. so they stop to help the bloke out. because we love each other. I have to say that out loud because I can have ego some times and be an asshole. <3:). Stu thanks everyone for being cool. We do help out the people who are party'ed out. dude got help. this song gives me the best visuals in my head. I like rats. I'll probably get a tattoo about this song. Big pause befores Stu's verse.
Intrasport -> Set: Here we fucking so. Debut Intrasport into my fav synth table song set. Big call from crowd for INTRASPORT!!. Place going to go wild. Sound kinda Fucked for the start but gets fixed. Lucas out front with joey's guitar. So sick. Joey on tamborine? oh who fucking cares. no one is reading this nonsense. but if you are. you matter. even if you don't fit in with anyone around you. you matter. <3. synth table jam time. I'm a metal/jam guy. but their synth jams own so hard. I ripppppp the hash oil. I will rip the penjamin until it is gone for all os Set. Slay the MIGHTY SET! Love this song live. Love seeing all the wizards working with their cauldrons. They seem to really enjoy this part. I can't wait until FoV cause I know they are going to have a late night rave set. I will fucking be there forrrrrr sure. This one is nicely put together. Joey back on guitar, Lucas back on bass for jam. Very nice. Nice mix of rave and rock and roll right now. Crazy sounds like video game bombs being dropped. I'm just dancing in my kitchen like a loon. Oh yeah. Jam is reaaaaaal funky. You think its the same Pink Jump suit Stu is in every night? I say he has atleast 2 right? right?
just a fade out into next
Extinction: Amby Joins the table. Welcome Sir. I just ran over and gave my 1 and only Road Dawg , The Lu Dawg, a fuck ton of kisses. <3. This song rips. A thumper as the kids say? Talk about rats nest, their table had like 80 wires on it. I know Joey loves synth table but his guitar playing is so nice paired with the table because of his synth experiance. The dark jam is really cool. All hands on deck. Cavs keeping everyone together. CookieDawg69 definitly feeling it. Hash oil on fumes at this point. Why m I still hitting it?
Back to metal! This next songs are fucking amazing. so ready. Haven't got a light up T in a while. So, it seems T did it anyways. lol. Then now, Joey says it. T lights them up.
Converge: Lets fucking go!!!!!! PIT BACK ALIVE! Ambrose hasn't brought up his pain pills tonight yet. will it happen? Time will tell. It is running out. My brats are gonna be go good. Stu going full Rock God Mode. This entire album goes sooooo hard in the paint live and on album. Live Just pure rock gnarly goodness.
Joey fucking loves us, and said he was really nervous cause intrasport. sureeee....
Gaia > Gila Monster > Motor Spirit > Gaia: First setlist look: This looks wild. I'm so ready. Throat signing to start. Lucas slamming in the powerstance. Cavs getting straight filthy with a drum solo > Gila! NICEEEEE! I m headbaning in the kitchen, judge me. I will take you out to dinner and try and change your mind about me. GILA GILA!! Ambrose owns. Getting busy a elbow with a ton of new hardware in it. I just started the Mac and cheese. Gonna start the brats in the air fryer soon. very very soon. > Motorspirit: Slammer of a sandwhich going on here. Beers almost worn off. Brats in. Amby slamming the cymbal. Joey ripping the stick. Showing love for the Blood Incantation. Getting really spooky. Ends on the chant. Pauses: > Gaia: Cool ender.
Stu truly loves every single one of the fans.
I m hungry, time to eat. I love you!
So, I fed the dog. I ate my dinner. I'm gonna smoke a bong and post this thing. I m not going back over it. it is what it is.
Final thoughts: Ripper of a show. Table owned. Hypertension is Masterful. Monster of a song. Intrasport was ight. Set smashed as always. Ending metal was sooo sick. I love you. I love you. I love you.