Disclaimer: My reviews are typed out once and only once. I do not edit, or reread anything. They are what they are. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you.
November 2, 2024 "Acoustic Show" @ The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park · San Diego, CA, USA
Acoustic Set 1: Witchcraft -> Chang'e, Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology, Sense, Raw Feel, Dirt, Flight b741, Iron Lung, Muddy Water -> The Bitter Boogie, God Is Calling Me Back Home, Magma, The Silver Cord, Theia, The River
Welp, its Sunday Nov 3rd, 03:10 am. Midwest, USA. I'm awake because I work the graveyard shift. Just sat down at the computer. Which will be my listening/watching station for this show. I have 2 cups of coffee, I will probably get a third. I will be rippin the pen regulary. I like to always give my state of mind for these things. Besides hittin the pen, Ill just surfing the web and listning mostly. Once the sun starts the rise, gonna take my sweet baby boy Lu the Dawg for our 5 mile nature walk. So, this show should get my head right for that for sure. This is an acoustic set, So, that is gonna be different. So lets see what we get into. Shall we?
Show Start:
They say they might play some wack stuff, Joey says if it sucks he is going to yell bail to signal the band to stop. lol. Stu says he doesnt know whats about to happen and he is happy everyone came and he loves them. like always.
Witchcraft: I hit the pen, start the first cup of coffee. It being acoustic definitly gives the song a very different vibe. Everything just softer, even the singing. which I guess makes sense.
Chang'e,: This song sounds very cool on acoustic imo. Maybe its just they opened with a metal song on acoustic and this just sounds more natural. meh, idk. Cool call back to witchcraft in the lyrics at the end.
Joey is thrilled he hasn't had to yell bail yet after 2 songs. lol. he also ask Cook if he is gonna go ape shit tonight, and Cookie response with "Mmmmmm, maybe". is the most CookieDawg69 way possible. We get our fist Light em up T. Get them Lumens poppin. Joey is feeling himself, warns of bail warning. Joey is on fire, tells Stu he likes his "git up" then immediately says he looks like a tellatubby who just got out of rehab. too funny. Stu gives gratiude to the crowd.
Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology: Joey is nervous about this Polygondawanaland suite. Ambrose says, it was Joey's idea. This section might be a heater. Yeah, this really is starting to come together during Loyalty. Very cool. Crowd pop going into Horology. I like these midevil songs on the old peoples guitars.
At song finish Joey yells, "No Bail, No Bail." The band is calling memeber out of the crowd that look like Stu. A tellatubby just out of rehab.
Sense: Real smooth entrance for this song. They get kinda jammy in this song? maybe that is just how its written. Sounds pretty hot on acoustic. Amby playing piano with broken elbow. Witchcraft call back during the jam, then it kind of just break downs and ends. That was cool.
Raw Feel: Extended into into RF. You can hear it coming. Cavs leading the way, Amby harmonica hinting to what is coming. Then all of a sudden, Raw feel. This album is just awesome live when it comes to pure rock music. Just fun. Everyone is involved. Just sick.
Joey, calls out its the best night of his life. Which has said on stage many, many times. hahaha. Stu shouting out the childerns in the crowd. Then joey asks for older people. idk wtf they are doing. Amby leaves to go get some pain pills in his system. Long banter break. Cavs Jumps on the mic. Stu talks about how giving a dummer a mic was the best thing ever. LOL Cavs says bail to the convo. Joey calls the next song shit, and Lucas was all like wtf mate. I like this song.
Dirt: I will say paper mache dream balloon does not get a lot of spins in this house, but I need to. idk why I feel that way. But I do. Yeah, that song was mid, ngl.
Lucas says he will sing half the track. Stu wants to play in F? but no one wants too? idk wtf is going on during this banter.
Flight B741: Sir Ambrose starting out strong on the harmonica. Fucking love Cookie. He just oozes cool. short and sweet version. Like I said before, B741 songs gets everyone involved and that is gnarly.
Calls out a Panda from previous show that they remembered. Said Panda is there tonight. They asked if the Panda was going to crowd surf. It seemed eager. Someone should let it know, its an endangered species. Those things are fucking dumb though.
Iron Lung: One of my favorite songs of all time. Excited for this one. Pain killers might be kicking in for Amby. Going to go make my 3rd cup of coffee after this song. I've probably hit the pen 10 times already. its 4:27 am. The guys are getting after it. Fuck yeah, this is tight. The screen is going off. super cool visuals. Song of the night so far for sure. Amby leaving it on all on the stage. His elbow break was nasty looking. I might have a crush.
Muddy Water: Tasty jam. nice blend into The bitter boogie.
The Bitter Boogie: Blues rock on acoustic, classic sound. Song is going for a little ride it seems. Amby adds so much fucking flavor contrast to the rest of the band in terms of voice. Adds a lot of depth. I might have crush... This song is really getting the treatment. pretty cool.
Stu: "Thhaaanks!" he is a goof ball. Joey is teasing Greenday and Sugar Ray. They just keep playing the start of "time of your life".
God is Calling Me Back Home: WE GOING HOME! Stu had to tell Amby to fire it brother. Talking about playing the harmonica, because he must of missed his cue? Pills MUST be hitting. This song sounds pretty sick on acoustic. Screen going wild. Joey and Stu both say Cookie about to go ape shit. Just having small talk during song. Joey is playing Beer bottle slide. Cavs big ender.
Band dedicates next song to Sam. Calls out T for being awesome. Then they call out a bunch of other crew memebers, trying to get all of Them? then they don't know if they did. So Joey yells "Bail! Bail!"
Magma: I'm literally chair dancing right now. Fucking Groovy. Gnarly throat singing into chorus. FUCKING PANDA CROWD SURFING! That brought me joy. Getting busy at an acoustic show. Stu says, "Go Panda!". Panda straight got carried in a huge circle around the crowd. Legendary. This song is a contender for song of the night. Stu sounding really fucking cool with his singing. Band really laying it down. Smoke show.
Band calls out immediately after sogn ends that, "That went better then expected." They talk about how the name "Disco Magma" would be a cool band name. Stu ask if Cavs is good. Cavs says yes, and ask should be play some metal? The whole band starts playing Gaia, then sing the wrong lyrics? Joey yells "BAIL BAIL!" lol very funny moment. Then Stu reminds the crowd they bought tickets to an acoustic show. lol. Im pretty baked for 5:14 in the morning.
The Silver Cord: This version is wild. Completely transforms the song, imo. Rough launch, middle is better. I liked the attempt.
Theia: This song starting out more natural sounding. Jammy part sounds chill, Joey looks like he is on a swing. He is pumping his legs like he is trying to get some sick air. Cookie laying down some much needed synth. That was a cool version.
Joey checking on Amby and his arm. Ambrose is gnarly. I really might have a crush. Ask for a light em T, Then a full band call out round about. Stu says everyone is going ape shit. Uno Mas is called.
The River: Band tech brings a shot out and hand feeds one to each of the band members. Very Rock and roll, and silly at the same time. This song sounding very nice thus far. Getting real jazzy. real snazzy. real pazazzy. wtf m I talking about. go fuck yourself. <3 with all due respect. Building back up now. Not a heavy build, but then a call back the Theia. Now they are just riding this groove out. Telling everyone Thank you and I love you. Get home safe. You know the drill. Shows over.
Shows over.
My final thoughts. Cool show. That Lung won the night. Magma close 2nd. I would go to acoustic show, but only if it was more intimate I think.