Show Notes: Audience member Joe did the vocal intro to Nuclear Fusion. Cellophane contained I'm In Your Mind, Am I In Heaven?, and Lord of Lightning teases. Mystery Jack was last played 2022-05-31. (138 show gap) Hypertension contained Witchcraft and Hot Water teases. Ambrose did a short breakdance after his verse of Le Risque and said Raygun taught him everything he knows. The Grim Reaper contained Telescope (Ambrose Kenny-Smith & GUM), Torture Chamber, Body Movin' and Intergalactic (Beastie Boys) quotes. Magenta Mountain was attempted but only a jam was played (Titled We're Doin' It Together on the Official Bootleg) because Joey's synth wasn't working. This Thing contained a The Land Before Timeland tease. The intro to Am I In Heaven? (which was not on the printed setlist) contained Lava and The Dripping Tap teases and the song itself contained a This Thing tease and a Hypertension jam with lyrics.
Poster By Job van Rijen
Standard: 600
Gold Foil: 200