Set 1: Planet B, Mars For the Rich > The Great Chain of Being, The River[1] -> Wah Wah > Road Train, Alter Me III > Altered Beast IV, The Cruel Millennial, Nuclear Fusion, Doom City, Boogieman Sam, This Thing, Work This Time, Plastic Boogie, Venusian 2, Self-Immolate, Am I In Heaven?
Show Notes: Evil Star was played through the PA speakers as the band went on stage. Only Part I of The River was performed and it contained Wah Wah teases. Wah Wah contained a The River tease. Altered Beast IV contained an Altered Beast I quote. Am I In Heaven contained an Alter Me I tease and quote, and Boogieman Sam and Robot Stop teases. Perihelion was on the physical setlist after Self-Immolate but was skipped due to time
Poster By Jason Galea
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