Robot Stop > Hot Water > Big Fig Wasp > Gamma Knife, People-Vultures, The Garden Goblin, Let Me Mend The Past, Trapdoor, Sadie Sorceress, Static Electricity, East West Link, Honey tease > Sleep Drifter tease > Rattlesnake tease > Sleep Drifter > Rattlesnake tease > Honey > Sleep Drifter > Billabong Valley tease > Honey, The Great Chain of Being, Planet B, Digital Black > Han-Tyumi el Ciborg Confundido> Soy Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe
Robot Stop opener (6:00), high energy clean transition into Hot Water (11:15). Full speed ahead transition into Big Fig Wasp, this is killer. Flawless. clench teeth bang head! GAMMA! (15:40) stop in music before People-Vultures (20:00), audio degrades substantually during People-Vultures. Trapdoor is extended, 2 flute sections, the latter seems unusual to me, but it might not be. Ole, Ole, Ole chant from crowd before sadie Sorceress, 37:00 start Sadie Sorceress 42:43 start Static Electricity, fun version wish the audio was better. East West Link takes us to a a whole lot of teases. All Han-Tyumi narration is in Spanish
Audio and video of the entire show exist, audio degrades quite a bit during People-Vultures, but is still worth checking out for Tease Extravaganza after East West Link. length 1h 32min 34sec