That sure is a way to start the tour. "Am I In Heaven?" is a pretty reliable jam but this one was really something else with about a twenty minute runtime. So much going on in that one. Then we get to the metal stuff (specifically PDA) and right out the gates is the debut of "Flamethrower." While I'm somewhat disappoitned they cut the outro, the rest of this was great and as heavy as you'd expect. I like how Ambrose's vocals back up Stu in it. There's nothing too unique about "Witchcraft" and "Supercell" but they're strong as they usually are, minus a lyrical flub in there somewhere. The highlight of the night (for me at least) was the "Crumbling Castle" > "The Fourth Colour" at the end of the first half. While these are often very strict in regards to how the band plays them (due to the progressive rock nature of these tracks), the band ended up jamming these a bit, especially "The Fourth Colour" which goes way longer than the three minute blast that it usually is. It's such a fun listen. "This Thing" is where our second half starts and there's a jam here too, taking influence from ZZ Top. It's cool. I remarked this when watching the show but usually "Iron Lung" is a highlight in a show, a peak even, but here it actually feels like the low point. I think that says a lot about how wild this set was. There's a great transition into "Hypertension" which is pretty good but the way we end up in "Work This Time" is crazy. This version is great and takes from what was heard on the previous tour. It's the last big peak of this show IMO. "Magma" is good but pretty much what I expected and "Float Along - Fill Your Lungs" is cut short before it can spread its wings. Good version that isn't given the time it needed.
While both "Doom City" and "Minimum Brain Size" were on the setlist, I'm ultimately happy with what we got. This was a great start to the tour with a number of key jams that will be worth revisiting.