The universe it dying. I'm headbanging. What an awesome start to a show. a treat.
Flight B741: I guess its time to have pigs fly. These songs are so cool because everyone is involved in every song. They are cool to see live. Even on couch tour.
Stu thanks the crowd again.
Sad Pilot: Joey's mustache looks like it did some push up before they came out tonight. OOOOOOOOH, Amby is sounded on point tonight. Buttery. Lucas laying it the fuck down. Little jammy before the sing a long part. Joey on the novo, stu on the flying samurai. very chill jam. spacey and liek turkish or indian influence. but kind of dark. then into "winging it".
Rats in The Sky: I'm going to get a rat tattoo based on this song. It just gives me a funny image in head. This song goes out to the King. Amby, is on point tonight. Cookiedawg69 smashed it. Stu Always taking his time to start his verse. He does write some really unique and awesome lyrics. guy is super hot. 3rd beer cracked.
Daily Blues: ALL BIGOTS GO GET FUCKED. Just rocking to open. I just sang and danced until the pause break in the song. They are crushing for this show. Flying through those clouds of love. NGL, this song just owns. But for real, from a straight white male. ALL YOU BIGOTS GO GET FUCKED! no place for that. Amby on the digital harmonica. Band just sped up in a jam. Cavs has had a crazy look in his eye this show and last. Wild man. band sped up again. just getting busy.
Hot Water: Flute time!!!! Stu doing some awesome deep throat singing. Everything is an instrument. and has vaule. there is a eggplant in the crowd. Stu is crushing the flute. literally flaming. whole band, letting it the fuck go. More deep singing from Stu. That was an sick version.
Interior People: This song has been really good since they debuted it. Amby and Stu put on cowboy hats. Cookie w/guitar and Stu on the table. Joe on acoustic. insta dance party. Well, at least in my house. I have a confession to make. I'm not fat, but in the last 4 weeks, Ive ate 15 little debbie christmas trees. I had to tell someone. Don't tell anyone please. Thanks. This song sounds really good live. They have been playing it very well.
Shanghai: I need to listen to this album more. I'm adding this to the Gizzard albums I listen to at work. Cavs, on the fucking gong. I think 7 in the max I've counted. I'm only talking big swings. 8 swings. a new record. only to my history. and I could be wrong. I be getting faded when I do these. Joey joins the table. Cookie is gone from table. More gong. Amby powerstancing. not much going on for him during this song. It feels like the Joe and Stu show tonight. This song is just another showcase of that. Jam part is getting pretty sweet. These guys have no limit. so cool to watch always. Joe and Stu have table talk. Joey adds vocals from an unknown song maybe? This bad is so cool. I m buzzed. Still at the standing desk in kitchen. I will never drink sitting down at my house. Idk I made that a rule. I'm just not going too. This shit is getting wild. Crazy noise.
Ok, there was an even't here. Stu has flute in hand. looks like Stu and Joe are on same page. Amby and rest of band do one thing, Joe and Stu look at each other and joe shurgs his shoulders at Stu and says something like guess not or something. I watched it back twice. and I didn't catch it either time. but I understood there was a miscommunication. interesting.
TL&DR: Stu and Joey go one way, Seems like rest of band goes another.
The Grim Reaper: Amby waiting to some out front. Comes right to the front stage. Love Ambrose. Flute going off. Ambrose says: GET THE FUCK UP! What a wild show. Stu going all weak at the knees again. Song going hard af. Joey on the flying V. Metal time. I think there was a beastie boys intergalactic tease at the very end. I didn't miss that.
Terrance lights them up. Joey plays limp biscuit he said. Stu said they are playing a new song called break stuff. Amby starts to sing break stuff.
Perihelion: Fuck yes, I slammed half a beer and ripped the penjamin. I love this song and a metal ender. Stu on his black SG, Joe on Flying V.
The band has a cheers.
Converge: The ISS ungodly high!@! This song is cool. I'm a simple man. space stuff is cool. Crowd getting busy. Getting rowdy. Throwing Horns all over.
Witchcraft: LUUUUCASSSS feeling it. This owns. joe and stu tap shredding. AMby letting the right arm fly on the cymbal slamming. Lucas got the stank face on. I wonder if Michael is sick. He looks like he needs some liquids. Good liquids. A few people out in the crowd look cooked. I can say this, because I've been that person.
Dragon: Just slamming this song.<3 I'm air fry some onion rings.<3 they have this song pretty much dialed in. Ending, whold band shredding. This song is kind of like B741 in the fact everyone out front together at some point. idk. I'm kinda lit. I don't know shit about music. I'm a baffoon. Ending is a ripper as always.
I missed the banter because I was putting the onion rings in the air fryer.
K.G.L.W (Outro): It was super cool when they played this as an opener at Red Rocks. This song has that chug chug that just feels good. And it always reminds of the movie "the 'Burbs" Art:"You're chanting Ray!" do you even know what im talking about? is there anyone there? hello? Oh, yah, the chug chug is very good,. Amby throwing gang signs. respect. Stu on the Flying Banana. This song seems like ender, but I know they play rattlesnake after this. I feel like they should have done these the other way. But I don't know shit. and I trust the 6 aussie cunts over my own musically opinion since, I don't know anything about music. Besides how to get buzzed and stoned to it. Stu takes a squat. Amby takes a squat. they talking. Cookie looks unimpressed. lol nvm, ne cracked a smile. K.G.L.W!!!! That was Gnarly. I still feel like that should have been last.
Joey calls out King Stingray and that their new album dropped. Ambrose makes sure crowd is rdy. Stu lies says next song is new.
Rattlesnake: Off to the races from the jump. This song is sounding flawless. Cavs finally looking ok. maybe its just the camera. Onion rings cooked, and secured. cooling off. They are the Nathan's brand BTW. cheap and good. you get 2 portions out of a bag I feel. This song is rocking. all 3 guitars going off. ok. I see why this ended. cause its a smoke show. cause they are bringing the fucking house down, fuck yes. that was cool.
Stu says it was fun and he truly loves the fans. Joey goes long.
Final Thoughts: For today. decent Bday for 38. Awesome show to watch. Sound was fucked at the star. but whatever. onion rings are fire. I might stay up try to watch the show live tonight, but I doubt it.