Disclaimer: My opinion shoudln't matter to anyone. I do these for fun. This is a typed reaction ot either a live or pre-recorded show. I do not go back and edit, or reread anything. I might be too drunk & stoned to even want to attempt that. So, I'm never doing it. They are what they are. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you.
November 4, 2024 @ Frost Amphitheater · Stanford, CA, USA
Set 1: Superbug, Supercell, I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not In Your Mind > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz, Le Risque, Daily Blues -> Cut Throat Boogie -> Trapdoor, The Garden Goblin, Gondii -> Interior People[1], Hog Calling Contest[2], Field of Vision > Raw Feel, Magma, The Dripping Tap
My set/setting:
Tuesday 1:10 pm. Nov 5th 2024. Election Day. I think you should do whatever you think is right when it come to that. ok enough of that. I had work this morning, it was ight. normal shit. I had my normal Bi-weekly therapy session. No walk, because of rain. Lu Dog is pissed. I'm not happy about it. Life goes on. King Gizz show will fix. Only smoking the bong maybe once during show. I have group tonight, so I don't want to be any type of fucked up for that. So, chill show on my end. Let get into it!
Setlist First Glance: Love Mindfuzz, Le Risque is fav song off B471. Interior people debut. and Ive read the magma is hot fire.
Show start:
T lights them up right off the bat. Crowd in jammed packed. Looks wild. Shout out King Stingray.
Superbug: Sounding strong out the gate. Crowd get mixy. The chug chug of this song is really heavy. Hell yea, the break down was super sick.
Super strange banter about a crowd members undies. Joey says fuck that. metal time
Supercell: I'm a simple man. Storms excite me. This song excites me. I'm excited. Anything off this album is sweet though. Cavs and Lucas really laying it down. Joey shreds the ending. Very good look.
I'm in your mind > I'm not in your mind > cellophane > I'm in your mind fuzz: Here we go, the Mind Fuzz suite. Nice jam entrance. Party time. I'm dancing in the kitchen eating Warheads. Stu on the Black SG. There are mens underware on the stage. lol @ Gizz Fans. <3 all love. I'm smashing Warheads at this point chasing a sugar high. Stu going all windmill arms. God damnit, I have sticky fingers now. How did I not see this coming? Not in your mind jam going smoothly. Kinda getting an entrance from Amby. Stu going all weak at the knees. Cellophane explodes forward. Stu swallows the mic. Lucas's bass cutting through. Hitting power stance. Whole band getting after it at this point. Stu is always on another level. Eats the mic, always full of energy, gotta love the guy.
Le Risque: Joey hitting it hard to start. Does his verse flawlessly. Cavs nails his part. Enter Ambrose: Fuck yea, Shattered elbow out there getting after it. Stu's lyrics goes sooo hard. Awesome song. So fun.
Daily Blues: One of the best lyrics ever wrote in that song. "All the bigots go get fucked". I bursted into dance during Amby's part. Packing the Bong. right meow.
Cut Throat Boogie > Trapdoor: If you have read any of my 3 other reviews, you know I m a huge Ambrose fan. I love his voice. I also love The Murlocs and that album he did with GUM. all very good imo. This song is a fucking banger. This dude just wants to be surfing the crowd so bad. Band pumping right now. All in swing. all fucking rocking. Oh yeah, this jam is taking off. Do we actually > into Trapdoor? we will see. JUST FUCKING RIPPING! > Stu asks or tells Cavs: Trapdoor. We do alligator into TD. Stu brings out the motherfucking Thang. And we in the Trapdoor. Stu Letting that bih blow. This song is always fun.
They roll out the Sorcerer's Table.
The Garden Goblin: LET'S GO! A CookieDawg69 song. Dream boat. Slayer of a song about his dog. I for one, m going to walk over to my Number 1 Road Dawg Luwid Von Barthoven a ton of kisses. This song is getting gnarly. very nice. That song Owned very hard.
Amby calls out Cookiedog. From the stage lol. Love these guys.
Gondii > Interior people: Gondii into a debut, should be sick. All hands on deck. All wizards working. Cavs The keeper of the beat. Joey throwing in some crazy bird chirps. some how in worked. I'm 100000% biased. Stu puts on his Han-Tyumi hat. Table in a different configuration. just slightly. Rave jam getting wild. love this band. Metal/Pysch/Blues/DJ/Rock sets. Just get out of town. Pit looks swimmy. behind that was tranced out. Cavs rocks the gong. Stu alone on the table. Everyone else picking guitars back up. Cook back at table with guitar.
>Interior People: People Notice. Cooking at table with axe. Joey has acoustic. Oh fuck me, this is sounding very good. Stu singing from table. I just crushing white dude dance moves in my kitchen. no shanme. Pit looking super fun. That was a super fun debut.
Stu puts on a shirt from the crowd. Amby yells lets Chicken in the barn yard. and they have crazy banter about amby and his elbow and joey played skate instead of tony hawk. Idk. it was a lot. T lights them up.
They say the next song is written by jack johnson that isnt true. They all have put on clothes the crowd threw on stad=ge, Stu looks like a pimp.
Hog Calling Contest: This is a fun song. Anything off this album is fun live. Stu looks wild. lol. Amby killing his part. COOKIE!! He killed it too. Santos had a sick pig scream.
Stu has a wig on now. lol. Wild banter. They say the song is about the crowd. the FoV?
Field of Vision: I really really like this song. Just gets me all antys in the pantys. Probably because Amby leads it. M I gay? its 2024 it would be ok. idk anymore. I do know this song owns. <3
Who ever does the setlists don't really know how to use the alligator mouths or I'm not picking up on they are using them. I will learn.
Raw feel: Little into jam into raw feel, but imho the last song clearly ended and this one started. I m also 1, dumb. 2, know nothing about music. I just listen. I have to keep notes of a show I keep my self engaged the entire time. So, What does that say, wtf m I talking about?? my b. The chorus of this song is just wild. These B741 songs are like band sing and play alongs. Everyone is always playing and singing it seems. Must be fun for them all. Getting the jammed out treatment. Very nice. Everyone is getting a Raw Feel. How nice. That was fun. there was some teases in there I missed. oh well.
T lights them up. Joey calls this place forest red rocks. high praise from the master.
Magma: I heard this song is a ripper. Well a Vince Mcmahon meme told me was on r/KGATLW. I'm a fucking loser. But I did hear it was good. So, Lets see. Stu's singing is spot on, sounding super cool. Band is laying it down. Joeseph leading the way on the rip stick. Very good so far. Stu's throat singing is sounding wild. Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! they getting after it. Huge build up. Cavs beating the drums silly. Wow, this ending real sick. Rocked out finish. I made my self dizzy dancing in a circle to MAGMA MAGMA MAGMA!
Show scum throws a shoe on stage after Stu was being cool by giving back something a fan gave him to wear.
Joey calls out next song goes on for every. Amby calls out the stream. Joey calls out the people running the stream. But for real big shout outs to them. AMby ready to drip.
The Dripping Tap: Oh yeahhhhh! Big Amby start of course for this song. He is a stud. Has a bunch of new metal in his elbow. Joey says lets fucking rip. Lets go crazy. Stu yells univeristy is for suckers. lol I think that is what he said. Band, in fact is going crazy. love to fucking see it. Shredsville. Stu and Joe face to face shredding. We back in cellophane, back in magma. Rocking out rest of song. Stu Chants Magma at the end. Amby finishes but using his head to play the piano.
Stu says go vote the orange baby out of office.
Final thoughts: I'm starving, but great show. Magma fuckign rocked. meme didn't lie. that gondii > IP was sick. metal opener to mindfuzz was sweet, alright. i gotta cook my food. bye bye bye I love you I love you I love you.