Songs > Witchcraft > History

Written By: Mackenzie/Walker/Cavanagh/Craig.

In “Witchcraft” a group of humans convene and attempt to stop the ongoing, apocalyptic storms. Channeling the four elements, they begin to recite incantations on behalf of a blood moon goddess. Despite their attempts, the plans are foiled by a black cat named Beowulf who knocks a candle down onto a stack of scriptures which ignites a taxidermied gila monster that is subsequently turned into a dragon that attacks the witches. The song is based around a distinct use of time signatures and a main riff that Joey said evokes the supernatural. “When ‘Witchcraft’ comes, there’s that eastern-y lead sound, which feels like an incantation or the occult.”

“Witchcraft” holds a few references to other songs in the band’s discography. The recognizable melody appears in the track “Motor Spirit” and “Dawn of Eternal Night.” The breakdown in the song (2:29 and 3:45) which originally appeared in “Hell’s Itch” (2:53) reappears on “Dragon” (0:53) and “Flamethrower” (4:28) as well as The Silver Cord song “Chang’e.” The song’s ending bass line is also reprised at the end of “Dragon” (8:43). “Witchcraft” may also reference this song lyrically, with its mention of a blood moon goddess that may allude to Chang’e, the goddess of the moon in Chinese mythology. The extended version of that song includes quotes of “Witchcraft”’s bridge, as well as extensive use of the word “witchcraft.” Beowulf is also mentioned in the extended version of “Extinction.” “Witchcraft” was released on June 16th, 2023 and became the b-side of “Gila Monster” for a limited edition 7” sold during the band’s record fair in Los Angeles.

The live debut of “Witchcraft” occured during “Drag Night” at The Caverns Above Ground show in Pelham on 2023-06-03 — before the release of PetroDragonic Apocalypse. It would then make an appearance at every single stop of the residency tour and would stay in regular rotation beyond. While first played as a standalone piece, the song was commonly paired with “Converge” like it is on the album. This trend became the norm in the following shows, though Gizzard briefly bucked the trend in early 2024 as “Witchcraft” was often being played on its own or as a part of different jams such as on 2024-03-14 and 2024-03-23. The band debuted an acoustic version of the song on 2024-05-31. Before it, Stu mentioned that they were inspired to play it that way because of an acoustic cover by Stacker which was given to the band on a CD a few days before the show.

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