By this stage most of my friends knew I'd gotten into the band heavily, and so when they found out I was going to see them, a few came along to see what the fuss was about. All had a good time, but none were converted by what was in hindsight a fairly strange show with an experimental setlist. This showed the band trying to break away from their older more rigidly structed sets, into a more flexible and diverse regime in preparation for the jam era.
The main thing that struck me as different was the amount of time Stu spent sat at a keyboard, and the number of his songs Joey took lead vocals on. I imagine this was due to a health issue, so I feel lucky the show went ahead at all; but must acknowledge it threw off the pace and energy a bit.
We were right in between the releases of Fishing For Fishies and Infest The Rats Nest, and got a healthy dose of both, mimicking the whiplash of singles that came from rolling out both starkly different albums at the same time.
One interesting aspect of this was that the boogie songs maintained a much harder edge than their studio versions, but apart from that, the set was all over the place. The Inner Cell trilogy was as impressive as ever, but the highlight had to be the run of songs from Cyboogie through to Acarine. Just a weird mix that surely peaked with This Thing, that Joey really took the spotlight for and cranked it up for a euphoric, nearly trance-like finish.
Ambrose looked to be tripping hard, and seemed to be as caught off guard as the rest of us by Tezeta; immediately after it finished Joey asked him something that he replied to with a confused shake of the head. Joey then had to walk across the stage and apparantly remind him where he was, and that he was due to take the lead on Billabong Valley, which he killed anyway.
I remember an abrupt ending, and then it seemed they wanted to clear the room quickly as they put on the PA what sounded like Joey covering AC/DC in an obnoxious, high-pitched grating vocal.
A quite fun, raging at times, but strange show. Thinking back, it makes me chuckle at what it must have seemed like to my friends who had barely listened to the band at all, to hear the Polygondwanaland songs, Cyboogie, Acarine, Murder Of The Universe, Tezeta, in the same show, and then Organ Farmer to close.