Songs > The Last Oasis > History

Written By: Mackenzie/Kenny-Smith/Walker.

“The Last Oasis” is a jazzy psychedelic track that follows someone trying to find water in a hot, desert world. The narrator sees a mirage and dubs it the last oasis — a rare sight that provides a sense of safety, though it's only a dream. While it largely focuses on the desert, the song also makes a few references to outer space by comparing the mirage to a lost astronaut, and name dropping the astrophysicist Thomas Zurbuchen. The track utilizes marimba and Mellotron as well as distinct production to give it a laid back vibe, though the song ends on an ominous note, both musically and lyrically.

The song was played by Ambrose (vocals), Cavs (drums), Joey (bass), Lucas (keyboards) and Stu (vocals/keyboards/Mellotron) with recording done at Flightless HQ by Stu. It was mixed by Michael Badger. “The Last Oasis” was dropped as a single alongside “Greenhouse Heat Death” on December 20th, 2017 and saw a final release on Gumboot Soup on December 31st.

“The Last Oasis” has not been played live.

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