Songs > Oddments > History

Written By: Mackenzie.

“Oddments” is one of the shortest songs the band has ever released, at a total of twenty-five seconds, and acts as the theme song for the album of the same name. According to Stu, the name came from trips to the store. “We used to go to the local grocery store and pick up what was labeled as an oddment. This was to my understanding at the time, a delicious can of soda left over from a larger pack sold at a discounted rate. We were poor thirsty young men looking for a bargain and this sugar kick fuelled the record. It also fittingly described the nature of the songs. Leftovers, potpourri, a bubble and squeak of a record.” It was released on March 7th, 2014 and featured in promotional material for the 2018 reissue of Oddments.

“Oddments” has never been played live.

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