Songs > Daily Blues > History

Note: this page is not yet finished due to the developing nature of this album cycle.

“Daily Blues” is a multi-part blues rock song sung primarily by Stu (with additions by Ambrose, Joey, Cook and Lucas) about people fighting over beliefs and finding common ground. It is from the band’s (currently unreleased) twenty-sixth studio album.

The band hinted at the song’s existence as far back as February 28th, 2024. That day their Instagram story featured a video of Stu and Ambrose in the studio listening to isolated tracks and dancing to them. The text in the clip reads “Daily B’s.”

Ambrose quoted the song during a performance of “Straws In The Wind” on 2024-05-16, making this the first time fans heard some of the song’s lyrics. After a “Daily Blues” jam during “The Fourth Colour”, the song made its live debut on 2024-05-23 at AFAS Live in Amsterdam coming out of a “Muddy Water”-like performance of “The Bitter Boogie.”

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