Songs > Cold Cadaver > History

In “Cold Cadaver,” Stu sings of an odd situation regarding a relationship. One day the narrator’s (former?) girlfriend panics and knocks on his front door. When asked why she’s so distraught, she responds that the issue is a dead body which is bloating and rotting away. While the meaning of the story is left ambiguous, it could be commenting on the relationship by comparing their love to a corpse. The song’s origins were explained by Stu in an interview with La Groupie. “I was messing around with this simple melody. It didn’t have any words or anything, I was at the farm and I was kind of stuck with it. I was reading The Day of the Triffids. It’s just a line in the book that got into my head, and then all of a sudden I was improvising on some weird concept that didn’t really mean anything to do with the book. It was just some little ideas. I think I just sang into the microphone that minute and that was the song, that was done.” The song is gleeful with an energetic pace, a bright instrumental and some sitar thrown in. It was first heard on August 24th 2015 as part of ATO’s Paper Mâché Dream Balloon Sampler on Soundcloud. It saw an official release later that year on November 13th with an instrumental version releasing as part of the deluxe edition of Paper Mâché Dream Balloon on October 29th, 2021.

“Cold Cadaver” has not been played live.

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