Songs > Alter Me III > History

Written By: Mackenzie.

After our protagonist transforms, they lose more and more of their previous self — replaced by a killer. “Alter Me III” is another straightforward track and the final “Alter Me” in “The Tale of the Altered Beast.” The song was released on Murder of the Universe on June 23rd, 2017. A music video for “The Tale of the Altered Beast” was planned but never finished with footage making its way into promotional material and A BRIEF HISTORY OF PLANET EARTH.

The earliest known performance of “Alter Me III” was on 2017-06-13 at the Concorde in Brighton. It was played throughout the year as part of live performances of “The Tale of the Altered Beast” that stayed true to its album placement. While played often that year, it saw a steep drop off in appearances in 2018 — appearing only once on 2018-08-07. In 2019 it was played more frequently, often as part of a short combo of “Alter Me III” > “Altered Beast IV” though it wouldn’t return to 2017 numbers. Since then it has made a few appearances with 2022 performances featuring Leah Senior providing narration.

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