This was my first King Gizzard show ever. I'm from Bulgaria and last year I managed to miss the Greece and Croatia dates for various reasons. I had lost hope and seeing all the reviews of the band's shows online was really bittersweet.
I had a really tough year in a personal plan and was crushed again when I missed the opportunity to go to the Milan date. When I saw the Padua date I was set - that's it, it was now or never. I've planned a trip through Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia to get to Italy and see the guys for the first time. My plan was in jeopardy multiple times for another set of various reasons, but after half an year of bad luck - it finally turned around.
I can't believe that I just came back from my first KG show an hour ago. It still feels surreal. I love all King Gizzard albums but I always slightly leaned toward their heavier side a bit, so tonight's setlist absolutely melted my brain. Opening with Mars for the Rich was dope, following with Converge was just insane. Witchcraft and Self-immolate almost destroyed me and then a much needed breather came in with non other but Satan Speeds Up, which was a highlight for my friends who joined me, who were pretty new to the band.
My personal favorite of the night was Straws in the Wind - I like listening to this song from time to time but for some reason it never clicked for me. Until now. Amby absolutely slayed with his performance! This is a new high for me, when it comes to "songs being better live than on an album".
Closing with the MOTU suite was just incredible and so unexpected. There were a couple of guys infront of me who almost detached their heads from headbanging and almost threw up from singing the lyrics to this whole section of the setlist.
I went around before the set and handed out PDA inspired stickers. I met a lot of cool people, who love the band, which was also surreal as I live in a small city and don't really know any other fans there. Thanks to everyone for the positive reactions of having a fat guy, that you don't know, come to you and hand you free stickers, haha.
Overall a magical experience that I will never forget! I wish I could attend more shows during this tour but unfortunately that's not possible at the moment. I am definitely looking forward to another European tour with dates close (even closer) to me next time though!