My second time seeing KGLW and it might as well have been my first; they were like a completely different band than in 2018. I'm a Phishhead and most jambands bore the crap out of me. It was super cool to see a band of Gizzard's songwriting caliber and with such a killer sense of rhythm stretch out like they did at this show, especially "The River" as others have noted. I'm also a metalhead which lured me deeply into Umphrey's McGee for many years. Nothing against them, they are amazing at what they do, but I got kinda sick of it over the years. Along comes KGLW, who can do all the genres too, only without the endless guitar wankery and dippy keyboard solos and cheesy cover songs. Okay the bands aren't THAT similar; I'm just saying I'm grateful to KGLW for fulfilling anything I may have been missing from that other realm. I can't help hoping Gizzard venture more deeply into group improv, focus on that for another ten years or so, become the greatest band in the world, etc. Should be easily achievable. Whatever happens, this show blew me away essentially front to back; I only had one Gizz show to compare it to but thousands of others.