Songs > No Body > History

Written By: Mackenzie.

Describing the feelings of someone who finds themselves in purgatory after dying, “No Body” is a smooth, soulful song led by emotional guitar parts akin to the work of David Gilmour or Don Felder (especially 3:16, which resembles moments of “Hotel California”). The final studio version of the song was performed by only Stu (vocals/Wurlitzer/bass/guitar/synthesizer), Cavs (drums) and Ambrose (keyboards/percussion/vocals), and released as part of Changes on October 28th, 2022.

A demo for the song can be heard in the film Sleeping Monster. This recording is close to the final version, but lacks the lead guitar part and vocals with the keyboard playing the main melody. The song, like all tracks on Changes, takes motifs from “Change” — “No Body,” in this case, taking the main melody, slowing it down and changing its rhythm for lines like “to be not real, to have no soul, to have no body.” The song received a limited edition 7” single for the Gizzverse Record Fair in Amsterdam.

“No Body” has never been played live.

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