Songs > Infinite Rise > History

Written By: Mackenzie.

The second track on Quarters! is “Infinite Rise,” an upbeat ten-minute-and ten-second track featuring a long string of rhyming but disconnected lyrics paired with a ton of sound effects. While it's possible to connect the different ideas Stu sings about, they weren’t written with a specific meaning in mind, allowing the listener to make their interpretation. Stu said to Exit Musik “the lyrics are rhyming couplets, two or three syllables and a rhythm related to the previous one. There’s no real meaning, it’s just a game of ‘wordplay.’ And the sound effects were added in the same way to work with the words. The sound isn’t always perfectly linked to the lyrics, but it has something to do with them. It’s the same principle, as if you listen to the words and play the sound effect that comes to mind in that moment. And once you’ve found it, you integrate it into the song. That was the idea.”
The song also utilizes a Shepard tone throughout, an auditory illusion created by playing a number of ascending or descending tones with volume cut offs the higher/lower in pitch they get. In effect the tone seems like it is constantly ascending or descending in an “infinite rise.” It also features a rising bassline during the refrains to parallel the illusion.

“Infinite Rise” is the only song from Quarters! to be entirely recorded by Stu and the only one done entirely at the band’s cabin in Hunter Mountain, New York. Recorded on May 29th, 2014, it was released a year later on May 1st, 2015 as the second track on Quarters! and is represented on the cover with a dragon within red and yellow waves with various representations of the lyrics and sound effects. It is also referenced in the music video for “The River.”

Based on available data, “Infinite Rise” has never been played live.

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