Songs > Boogie > History

“Boogie” is a song by the blues rock band Carson which was released on the 1972 album Blown. The band would have an influence on Gizzard in multiple ways. One member of the band was Broderick Smith, father of Ambrose Kenny-Smith and narrator on “Sam Cherry’s Last Shot” and Eyes Like the Sky. This song specifically would be a point of inspiration for Gizzard who used the song as the basis of the 12 Bar Bruise track “Cut-Throat Boogie.”

The only reported performance of the song was on 2012-04-08 during Boogie Festival 6 in Tallabrook. The cover was mentioned by Stu in Mess+Noise’s rundown of 12 Bar Bruise. No recordings of this performance are known to exist. The band has also teased the song during performances of “Boogieman Sam.”

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