Rock Music and Heavy Metal For Ya!
This is the set by which all other festival sets should be judged, a high water mark for appreviated sets.
Gila Monster is balls to the wall from the get go, but a fairly standard 5 minute version. Converge picks up right where Gila Monster left off, straight ahead, and in your face, the crowd is noticeably responsive, a nice change from previous festival sets this tour, its hard to say no to the relentless pounding of Converge and when it seuges into Witchcraft there is no turning back. By the 16 minute markthe crowd is going full bore, pretty remarkable for a festival crowd.
Cavs builds tension as the pit expands and Joey looks on approvingly, Michael Cavanagh is a machine. This Self Immolate makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, at the 21 minute mark the band is destroying everything in sight, Venusianly. Auto cremate, self immolate. Like a bird in a cage; airostat-habitat. To motion I am slave. Give Me Hell I Want That! Light em up Terry indeed.
Its only a matter of time before we get a Hendrix cover, but until then a heavier than normal This Thing just keeps the freight train rolling, Harmonica blaring, and hellish vocal from the conductor. There's no stopping what this is and the crowd is clapping in unison still hanging on for dear life as this pause is only temporary. 30 minutes into the set and this is the set dreams are made of; and right on que, Dripping Tap quotes, fuck yes! Absolutely rediculous, Joey screaching away on the V, The train whistle is a harmonica, and This Thing is back on the tracks after the drip Tap detour, no one misses a beat, all members firmly working in unison as the tempo keeps increasing, but then, drip, drip drip. Fuck Yeah Mates!
Into Garden Goblin, pulsating ahead, and dispite being a massive change from the last 35 minutes, the attitude is still there, Amby is feeling it, and Cookie is boppin like a man that has located his dog. Enter Hypertension, ok lets do it. This is a band locked in, each of them look it, this video is fantastic, move over Bonnaroo 22, you are a child compared to this. Stu and Joey face Cavs and they are both ripping it, see through backwards facing eyes. Sticky red death, Woooooooooo!
This is an unrelenting Hypertension, and the crowd response to Stu, "Alright lets turn it down." Enter guest Saxophoneist Oscar Carls. and it ends, this crowd is 100% on board, a total 180 from 48 minutes ago. "You Guys Keep Showing Up and We'll Keep Playing!"
Magma, a song that just keeps getting better every time it is played will close the set. Cavs locked in, Stu arms in a V, victorious, they all know this set has absolutely destroyed, and this is the Magma on the Cake From Hell. Oscar Carlos fits in perfectly, from a band that almost never has guests, this is an amazing treat. As Stu screams "Immmmmmooorrrrrrrtaaallllll" the pistons continue pumping, and the six headed beast has grown a seventh head. The final verse is reaching the crescendo of a set that has consisted of an incredible energy; the band crowds around Cavs , and they bring it to a close. This crowd knows they have just witnessed something truely exceptional, 59 minutes and i'm left speechless, its that good.
Seek out the proshot video, great sound and the editing on this is supurb. It really doesnt get any better