Performers > Fraser A. Gorman

Former front of _Revolver & Sun_ with Stu and Lucas, [Fraser Gorman]( has continued channelling his troubadour 60's Folk-Rock spirit as a solo act. Like _Bon Jovi_ or _Tom Petty_ before him, Fraser uses his name either for solo works or as an umbrella including his dedicated backing band. This band has been through several iterations such as _Band Of Angels_, but most notably as _Big Harvest_ (at once stage re-branding as _Fraser A. Gorman & Big Harvest_) and sometimes included 'Sturdy Leg' (Stu) playing Banjo or just [a single snare drum with a brush]( He was championed by [Courtney Barnett](, who published his first album on her independent Milk! Records label; other collaborators include _Forever Son_ and Luke Brennan, who both now play in Leah Senior's live band.

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