Notable Versions

Show Date SongTrack TimeArtist Venue Name City StateCountryNotes
2023-03-02Hypertension13:36King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Zenith Paris FranceTop tier version containing a Hells Bells intro jam.
2023-08-10Hypertension12:40King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Slottsskogen Gothenburg SwedenSick segues on either end, this jam from the tour-opener is unleashed energy that crackles and sparks. Joey and Stu generate enough electricity to power this to the charts.
2023-08-19Hypertension10:51King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Walibi Holland Biddinghuizen NetherlandsOscar Karls of Viagra Boys on saxophone.
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