Notable Versions

Show Date SongTrack TimeArtist Venue Name City StateCountryNotes
2014-10-13Head On/Pill15:03King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Baby's All Right Brooklyn NYUSAGreat high energy Head On/Pill leading into a brief drum segment into an ambient jam with Stu flute playing taking center stage, brought back into high energy Pill.
2019-07-12Head On/Pill29:05King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Thebarton Theatre Adelaide SAAustraliaAdam Halliwell (of Mildlife)'s beautiful flute playing adds another layer of sound to this already amazing tease and quote filled Head On/Pill.
2023-03-17Head On/PillKing Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Les Docks Lausanne SwitzerlandThis mashup of early gizz jams flows between Head On/Pill and Sea of Trees. It also contained improvized lyrics about animals in australia, and plenty of teases such as The Dripping Tap, Ice V, and Shanghai (with jam).
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